Applied Science (Extended Certificate)

Course Description

The Level 3 Extended Certificate in Applied Science is designed to captivate students through a dynamic blend of hands-on experience and research-based learning. This distinctive pathway opens doors to a multitude of science-oriented courses offering a diverse array of options for future academic and career pursuits.

A significant number of our graduates choose to further their education at university, while others embark on various employment or apprenticeship opportunities. Our Level 3 course utilises cutting-edge teaching materials that incorporate real-world scenarios and case studies, directly aligning with the broad spectrum of employment opportunities within the sector and our local community.

Our curriculum provides students with the chance to apply their knowledge through practical activities reflective of professional scientific environments. Emphasising the importance of laboratory safety, students emerge from the program equipped with a comprehensive skillset encompassing practical applications in science, as well as essential research and referencing capabilities. Embedded within the Level 3 curriculum are foundational English and Math skills, which can be further explored to enrich the student's study program alongside their qualification, ensuring a robust foundation for their future endeavours.

Upon completion, students not only acquire proficiency in communication techniques, including presentation, verbal, and written skills, but also cultivate qualities such as teamwork, motivation, and independence. With heightened confidence, they navigate scientific settings with a strong focus on safety, setting the stage for a seamless transition to university life. In terms of knowledge, graduates gain a deep understanding of core concepts in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, accompanied by a range of valuable mathematical skills, preparing them comprehensively for their chosen pathways.

1. Principles and applications of science

2. Practical scientific procedures and techniques

3. Science investigation skills

11. Genetics and Genetic engineering

Independent Learning: Nurturing the ability to learn autonomously, empowering students to take charge of their academic journey.

Research: Students develop a systematic approach to research, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges of higher education.

Presentation Skills: Cultivating the art of delivering impactful presentations and fostering collaboration.

Reading Scientific and Technical Texts: Building proficiency in deciphering complex scientific literature and technical texts.

Effective Writing: Students will convey ideas coherently and persuasively through written communication.

Analytical Skills: Sharpening the ability to analyse information critically, a skill indispensable for success in diverse academic disciplines.

Practical Skills: Gaining hands-on experience and expertise applicable to real-world scenarios, ensuring practical competence in their chosen fields.

Preparation for Assessment Methods: Equipping students with the aptitude to navigate and excel in the assessment methods commonly employed in degree programs.

The qualification is eligible for UCAS points and is acknowledged by higher education institutions as fulfilling admission criteria for numerous relevant courses when undertaken alongside other Level 3 qualifications within a structured learning program. Learners have the flexibility to select from a diverse array of degree programs based on the complementing qualifications they have pursued.

Assignments and examinations

Paramedic talk

Physiotherapy talk