
Course Description

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Another way of defining Psychology is the science of people and, as people are so varied and complex, this is a broad subject with links to a range of other subjects and a wide choice of future career pathways too.

If you’re fascinated by why people think and behave the way they do then Psychology is most definitely for you. How’s your memory? Are good with images words or sounds? In first year we explore memory function and how we store information. We also understand explanations for forgetting so there no excuse to do not do your homework. We move on to look at Attachments and delve deeper into how our early attachment influences who we are today. How important are those early years and do we all form attachments the same around the world.

In social influence we discover just how much free will you really have. Do you confirm? do you obey? Or are you the rebel and why. Looking at famous researchers like Phillip Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram we seek the answers for these questions. OCD, phobias and depression are the areas in Psychopathology we learn about. What are symptoms the expiations and most importantly the treatments.

Of course no science is complete without Research Methods. You will become confident in handling and interpreting data and understanding the various ways in which research explore all of the interesting topics that we will be covering. Throughout the second year course you will look at mental disorders such as schizophrenia. We will be exploring the symptoms, the explanations and the treatments. You will be given example scenarios and will have to think like a clinical psychologist. We then move on the Aggression and explore reason for why people display aggressive behaviour, is it our genes ? or evolution or our social influence ?

In A2 we also explore relationships and then its time for the therapist in you to shine. We look at how and why we form relationships and take on an evolutionary explanation, are we still those cave men and women? We delve into relationships breakdown and even take a look at contemporary issues like parasocial relationship and virtual relationship.

If you like debates and exploring broad concept then issues and debates is you for. We will explore debates like the nature nurture debates and explore ideas of free will and determinism

Paper 1:

Introductory topics in Psychology. Memory, Attachment, Social Influence and Psychopathology

Paper 2:

Psychology in Context. Research methods, Approaches and Biopsychology

Paper 3:

Issues and opinions in Psychology. Schizophrenia, Aggression, Relationships and Issues & Debates

A Level Psychology gives you the skills to…

•      Analyse and interpret data

•      Research & organise material from various sources

•      Engage in effective teamwork

•      Problem-solve and reason effectively

•      Evaluate research, theories and ideas

•      Take a variety of perspectives on different issues

•      Be sensitive to interpersonal factors (e.g. behaviour and social interactions)

•      Use independent planning and project management skills

These skills can help you pursue careers in a variety of sectors.

Psychology joint (e.g. with Law, Criminology, Counselling and Psychotherapy)

Other more vocational routes that psychology is a component of

  • Sports science
  • Marketing + publicity
  • Occupational therapy
  • Ergonomics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Counselling
  • Human resources
  • Social work
  • Speech therapy
  • Public Relations etc….

If you do embark on a Psychology degree (e.g. BSc (HONS) Here are just a few examples of chartered psychologist…

  • Clinical Psychologists
  • Counselling Psychologists
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Forensic Psychologists
  • Health Psychologists
  • Occupational (Business) Psychologists
  • Sport and exercise Psychologists
  • Teaching and research Psychologists

Just remember though, even if you do not go on to become a chartered psychologist, what careers are there where a better understanding of people is not a huge advantage?

3 exams after 2 years

-Life behind bars- The opportunity to meet ex-offenders who have been rehabilitated and are discussing their experiences.

-Justin Rollins – Discussing organised/gang crime, knife crime, mental health, youth justice issues.

-Criminology Psychology course – Short course in College and student receive a certificate for their participation once, completed.

Dr. Carla Tomlinson talk on a career in Educational Psychology

Trip to the Freud museum in London